Now that I have a domain and working Email server, its time to create some users for the network. I could create these individually using the Active Directory Users and Computers interface in RSAT, but instead I am going to use PowerShell to script the process. User creation with PowerShell is an easy process and pretty straightforward. I will make a CSV file with the account information, and then use PowerShell to create the accounts quickly.
User Creation with PowerShell
Prerequisite: Creating a Domain: Install Active Directory in Server Core
Creating a user with PowerShell is done using the Active Directory module for PowerShell to import the needed command. From there, it’s as easy as using the “New-ADUser” command to add a user. I am going to create a script that first reads a CSV file containing the user information, and assigns each piece to a variable. Then the script will check if the user already exists, and if it doesn’t create it using “New-ADUser”.
Here is the PowerShell script I wrote for this:
Import-Module activedirectory
$NewUsers = Import-csv C:\Users\BAdmin\Desktop\Users.csv
foreach ($User in $NewUsers) {
$username = $User.SAMAccount
$password = $User.password
$firstname = $User.FirstName
$lastname = $User.LastName
$email = $
$title = $User.title
$department = $User.department
if (Get-ADUser -F {SamAccountName -eq $username) {
Write-Warning "User already exists with that name."}
else {
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $username `
-UserPrincipalName "$username@globomantics.local" `
-Name "$firstname $lastname GivenName $firstname `
-Surname $lastname -Enabled $True `
-DisplayName "$lastname $firstname" -EmailAddress $email `
-Title $title -Department $department `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force) `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $True

I also made the CSV file “Users.csv” and stored it on the Windows 10 Admin PC desktop where I wrote this script. The CSV has these headings matching the script’s variables: SAMAccount, password, FirstName, LastName, email, title, and department.

After creating both of these files, making the user accounts is as easy as running the script. After that the user accounts will show up in Active Directory.

Adding User Mailboxes
Prerequisite: Enable Email Services: Configure DNS for Email and Testing
Using the iRedMail server admin page, making mailboxes for the new users is also a very easy and straightforward process. From the admin page, add a mail user and then fill out their required information.

Once all the users are added, you can login to any of the domain workstations and then use either the webmail interface or an email application to check their email. In my next post I am going to create the client machines and use Thunderbird to connect to the iRedMail server.
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