A Blog About Self-Imposed IT Projects and Tech Exploration

Month: June 2023

Bulk User Creation with PowerShell

Now that I have a domain and working Email server, its time to create some users for the network. I could create these individually using the Active Directory Users and Computers interface in RSAT, but instead I am going to use PowerShell to script the process. User creation with PowerShell is an easy process and pretty straightforward. I will make a CSV file with the account information, and then use PowerShell to create the accounts quickly.

User Creation with PowerShell

Prerequisite: Creating a Domain: Install Active Directory in Server Core

Creating a user with PowerShell is done using the Active Directory module for PowerShell to import the needed command. From there, it’s as easy as using the “New-ADUser” command to add a user. I am going to create a script that first reads a CSV file containing the user information, and assigns each piece to a variable. Then the script will check if the user already exists, and if it doesn’t create it using “New-ADUser”.

Here is the PowerShell script I wrote for this:

Import-Module activedirectory

$NewUsers = Import-csv C:\Users\BAdmin\Desktop\Users.csv

foreach ($User in $NewUsers) {
$username = $User.SAMAccount
$password = $User.password
$firstname = $User.FirstName
$lastname = $User.LastName
$email = $User.email
$title = $User.title
$department = $User.department

if (Get-ADUser -F {SamAccountName -eq $username) {
Write-Warning "User already exists with that name."}

else {
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $username `
-UserPrincipalName "$username@globomantics.local" `
-Name "$firstname $lastname GivenName $firstname `
-Surname $lastname -Enabled $True `
-DisplayName "$lastname $firstname" -EmailAddress $email `
-Title $title -Department $department `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force) `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $True

Bulk user creation with PowerShell script reading CSV file
PowerShell Script in the PowerShell IDE

I also made the CSV file “Users.csv” and stored it on the Windows 10 Admin PC desktop where I wrote this script. The CSV has these headings matching the script’s variables: SAMAccount, password, FirstName, LastName, email, title, and department.

Example CSV file for bulk user creation with PowerShell
Example CSV file used for my domain

After creating both of these files, making the user accounts is as easy as running the script. After that the user accounts will show up in Active Directory.

Active Directory Users and Computers
New user accounts populate in Active Directory after running the script.

Adding User Mailboxes

Prerequisite: Enable Email Services: Configure DNS for Email and Testing

Using the iRedMail server admin page, making mailboxes for the new users is also a very easy and straightforward process. From the admin page, add a mail user and then fill out their required information.

Example adding user account in iRedMail server
Example creation of the mail user account for Bob
View of all mail users for the globomantics.local domain
All user mailboxes for the Globomantics domain

Once all the users are added, you can login to any of the domain workstations and then use either the webmail interface or an email application to check their email. In my next post I am going to create the client machines and use Thunderbird to connect to the iRedMail server.

Enable Email Services: Configure DNS for Email and Testing

My next step in adding Email services to my lab domain is to configure DNS for Email. This involves adding the required MX, CNAME, and A records on the Pi-Hole so external email traffic can route correctly to the Globomantics domain.

Configure DNS for Email

Prerequisite: Create My Own Email Server: Install and Configure Email on an LXC

To enable Email services, I first need to add an A record for my new server. I used the Pi-Hole admin panel to create this record mapping the name “mx” to After creation the new record is visible in the admin panel.

Local domain list in Pi-Hole with new record for host mx
Pi-Hole admin panel after creating the new A record

Next, I am going to add a CNAME to my DNS configuration that creates an alias for mx.globomantics.local. The alias I am assigning is mail.globomantics.local. I am using the Pi-Hole admin panel again for this change.

Adding a CNAME record to Pi-Hole
Adding a CNAME record to Pi-Hole

Last I need to add an MX record which directs mail to my new Email server for the Globmantics domain. In the Pi-Hole configuration panel there is no option to add an MX record, so I need to add a custom file to dnsmasq. To create the file, I use the command below and then edit using Nano.

# touch /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-mail.conf

Within the file, I add this line to create the MX record mapping incoming mail destined to the globomantics.local domain to my MX host.

Configure DNS for email, dnsmasq MX record line
Custom file with MX record for dnsmasq

Once created, the last step in DNS configuration is testing that the records resolve correctly. I used nslookup on the Windows 10 Admin PC. Using the commands below queries MX records tied to the globomantics.local domain.

> set q=mx
> globomantics.local
Output of nslookup command query for MX records
Output from nslookup shows that the domain MX record resolves correctly

A Quick Firewall Change

To enable the server to send outbound email I need to open a few firewall ports on the DMZ. Reading through the iRedMail configuration, the minimum ports I need open are 25 (SMTP), 587 (Submission), and 143 (IMAP). I added those in the same method used previously.

pfsense firewall changes to enable required services
Added ports 25, 587, and 143 to DMZ interface on pfsense

Testing Login to Postmaster Account

Now that DNS and firewall configuration is done, I can test logging in to the Postmaster account and check my email. I am going to login to the Roundcube webmail by navigating to the alias address: mail.globomantics.local and then logging in as Postmaster.

Roundcube login page
Roundcube login page loaded after navigating to MX alias
Postmaster mailbox view on initial login
Successful login to Postmaster account and inbox view in Roundcube

That’s all there is to it! My server is ready for user Email. That is the topic for my next post where I will create users in bulk, and create their mailboxes.

Create My Own Email Server: Install and Configure Email on an LXC

The next step to creating my lab is enabling email services. I decided to create my own email server by installing the open source email server iRedMail on an Ubuntu LXC. I chose iRedMail because of its simplicity to install, configure, and operate. This allows me to add email capabilities to the domain without purchasing software and without adding too much complexity to the build. I chose an LXC to minimize resource use.

Create My Own Email Server on an LXC


I used the same process as the Pi-Hole install to create the LXC in Proxmox. The specifications for the Email server are:

  • Name: mx
  • Template: Ubuntu 20.04 standard
  • Disk: 20GB
  • CPU Cores: 1
  • Memory: 1024MB / Swap: 1024MB
  • Network: DMZ-net with static IP address and MTU of 1450
  • DNS: DMZ Pi-Hole IP

After installing I ran the commands below to update, upgrade, confirm the hostname, and install dependencies.

# apt update && apt upgrade -y
# hostname -f
# apt install gzip dialog

Next, I downloaded iRedMail, renamed the file, uncompressed it, and ran the shell installer with these commands.

# wget https://github.com/iredmail/iRedMail/archive/tags/1.6.2.tar.gz
# mv 1.6.2.tar.gz iRedMail-1.6.2.tar.gz
# tar zxf iRedMail-1.6.2.tar.gz
# cd ./iRedMail-1.6.2.tar.gz
# bash iRedMail.sh

After running these commands, the installer will start.

iRedMail installer screen
iRedMail installer screen

When installing iRedMail I selected the following options:

  • Mailbox store: /var/vmail
  • Web server: Nginx
  • Backend: Postgres
  • Mail domain name: globomantics.local
  • Optional components:
    • Roundcube
    • netdata
    • iRedAdmin
    • Fail2ban

Then I just had to confirm the settings to install it.

Confirming the options and installing
Confirming options and installing

After the install finishes, I got a screen with the admin web page addresses and postmaster login information. I chose the next recommended option of reading the /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/iRedMail.tips file for more information. After that I just rebooted the server to enable email. The next step is to configure DNS for email services on my domain and login to test the email. That is the topic for my next post.

Making GPO Updates and Changes with Remote Server Admin Tools

The next step to getting my lab ready is to make some updates to my servers and computers. The fastest way to update all of my machines is to update the group policy objects (GPOs). After I update the GPO policies I am going to check the DNS configuration an make sure my domain is ready for the remaining workstations.

Updating GPO policies

Prerequisite: Creating a File and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Server

I am going to use group policy management console (GPMC) to update GPO policies for my domain. The first policy change I need to make is to finish enabling WSUS on my domain by mapping all of the workstations and servers to WSUS for updates. To make this change I am going to make a new GPO for the domain called WSUS settings in GPMC.

Create a new GPO in this domain
Create a new GPO in this domain and link to domain
Editing the new GPO
Editing the new GPO

Now I go to Computer configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows components > Windows Update > Specify intranet Microsoft update service location.

Configure specify intranet Microsoft update service location
Selecting the policy to update

First, I map the domain servers and workstations to my WSUS server, I need to enter the address for my WSUS server. Then I enable the policy so it takes effect.

Add the web address for WSUS to the right locations in the policy
Adding the web address for my internal WSUS

Next, I need to configure the schedule for automatic updates. This sets all the machines to download updates from the internal WSUS and selects the desired behavior. I set the Configure Automatic Updates setting to make this change.

Configure automatic updates in GPO
Setting automatic updates in GPO

Update Policy for Add/Remove Features

I need to make one more change related to WSUS. Right now WSUS is only used for software updates, but I also need to map workstations and servers to WSUS for adding and removing features. That is in Computer configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair.

Mapping add/remove features to internal WSUS
Mapping add/remove features to internal WSUS

That’s it for the WSUS GPO. Now my workstations will map to the internal server for updates and features. Next I need to check DNS settings. I am going to use the DNS manager in RSAT for this.

Opening screen of DNS manager
DNS Manager for my domain

First, I am going to set the server to only listen on the IPv4 interface for DNS queries. Then I am going to check the DNS forwarders and make sure it is using the Pi-hole in the DMZ.

Selecting interfaces for DNS listeners
Selecting the IPv4 interface for DNS listeners
Checking DNS forwarders
Checking DNS Forwarders

My DNS is configured and working as expected. Now that my domain is ready for workstations. Before I add workstations though, I am going to add one more service: Email.

Creating a File and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Server

In this step I am creating a new server using the Windows Server 2019 template created earlier in this process. The first role is providing my network with shared storage by creating a file server, then adding Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). I can install the basic services with PowerShell and use the remote administration tools on my Admin PC to manage WSUS.

Creating a File Server


The first step is to clone the Windows Server template into a new VM that I am going to call FileSrv. After cloning, I just start the machine and change the Administrator password.

Changing the administrator password after reboot
New server started, changing the admin password

Joining the domain in Server Core is easily done using SConfig. I changed the name on the server to FileSrv and joined the CORP domain in my lab. I also checked the network settings to make sure everything is correct.

Renaming the server in SConfig
Rename the server in SConfig
Checking the IP address in SConfig
Checking IP address in SConfig
Joining the corp.globomantics.local domain using SConfig
Joining my lab network domain from SConfig

Once the server reboots, I logged in with the Bob Admin credentials and prepared to install the File Server role. Installing the file server role is done through Powershell using the command below.

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> Install-WindowsFeature File-Services
Feature is installing, shows install progress
Installing file services feature
File Services feature successfully installed
File services successfully installed

Next I had to create a shared folder and then set the permissions using PowerShell. Here are the commands.

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> md C:\Globoshare
PS C:\Users\BAdmin> $acl = get-acl C:\GloboShare\

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> $ace = new-object system.security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule('Authenticated Users', 'Modify', 'Allow')

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> $acl.AddAccessRule($ace)
PS C:\Users\BAdmin> $acl|Set-Acl

Finally I could share the folder using New-SmbShare.

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> New-SmbShare -Name Globoshare -Path C:\Globoshare -FolderEnumerationMode AccessBased -CachingMode Documents -EncryptData $True -FullAccess Everyone

Now the File share is available on the entire domain using \\Globoshare\ to access.

Installing Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)

Installing WSUS on Server Core is a little more complicated than configuring a shared file. For this role, I will need to use a combination of PowerShell commands and the admin tools on my Win10Admin PC. The first step is installing the Windows Feature in PowerShell.

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> Install-WindowsFeature UpdateServices -Restart

After installing, I need to run a post install task using this command.

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil.exe" postinstall CONTENT_DIR=C:\WSUS

Next I need to enable remote administration of this server. That involves adding Web Management Service, along with ensuring it starts up automatically on reboot. I also need to make a registry change to enable remote management.

PS C:\Users\BAdmin> Install-WindowsFeature Web-Mgmt-Service
PS C:\Users\BAdmin> reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server /v EnableRemoteManagement /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001
Enable remote IIS management using PowerShell
Enable remote IIS management using Powershell
PS C:\Users\BAdmin> Set-Service WMSVC -StartupType "Automatic"
PS C:\Users\BAdmin> Start-Service WMSVC

From here the remaining steps are done in the remote admin tool. I followed the prompts and selected Microsoft Update as my upstream provider. This step took a long time for the initial sync.

Starting screen of WSUS after configuring remote management.
Starting screen after configuring remote management
Download update information from Microsoft Update
Connect to Upstream server

After that I selected the language and products that apply to my domain, along with the classifications. Then I configured the Synchronization schedule.

Setting WSUS to synchronize manually
Synchronize Updates Manually in WSUS

After finishing I chose to begin the initial synchronization.

Begin initial synchronization in WSUS.
Begin initial synchronization in WSUS

With that, my new server is ready to go. I installed file services, created a network share, and configured WSUS so my machines have a single update server where I can approve each update. Next I have some group policy changes and other domain changes to make from RSAT on the Windows 10 Admin PC.

Creating a Windows 10 Template and the Windows 10 Admin PC

The next step in getting my lab up and running is to create a Windows 10 admin machine in Proxmox. As with most of my VMs, I am going to create a Windows 10 template first so I can quickly set up additional workstations using cloning. I created a new VM with the following settings:

  • Name: Win10Template
  • CD/DVD image: Win10Eval.iso
  • Disk: 60GB on local-lvm
  • CPU: 1 socket / 4 cores
  • Memory: 4096MB
  • Network: LANnet / 1450 MTU

Once it loads I started the standard Windows 10 install process.

Windows 10 install screen
Windows 10 Install Screen

I selected the following options during install:

  • Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)
  • Install Windows on Drive 0
  • I did not create any partitions

After reboot Windows enters OOBE, so I chose:

  • Selected region
  • Selected keyboard layout
  • Use domain join instead of a Microsoft account
  • Enter the information for Bob Admin created in the previous step
  • Answer security questions
  • Turn off all location and data sharing
  • No Coratana

Finally I got to the Windows Desktop and could start the remaining steps.

Windows 10 desktop
Windows 10 desktop after initial login

The next step was to run a Windows update and restart after updating.

Creating the Windows 10 template

Once I had all the desired configuration and updates covered, the final step was to remove all the specific information like user accounts. Just like with the Windows Server template, I can use the Windows Sysprep tool for this portion.

C:\Users\Bob> C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe
Windows 10 sysprep tool select OOBE, generalize, and shutdown

After the Sysprep finishes, Windows 10 will shutdown and the machine is ready. To create a Windows 10 template all I need to do is right click the machine and select the option to convert to template.

That’s it! Overall the process is a little faster than making a server template. Now it’s ready for cloning into the Windows Admin workstation.

Creating the Admin PC

Once I cloned the template, it goes through the same out of box experience as before. I selected the same options until I got to the main desktop.

Windows Desktop for Windows 10 Admin PC
My new Windows 10 Admin PC

Now I need to rename the machine and join it to the Globomantics domain I created in the last post. Renaming the PC is found in the system settings.

Settings screen with about information and option to rename PC.
Workstation settings for Windows 10 Admin PC
Rename your PC screen changing to Win10Admin
Renaming the PC

Now it’s ready to join to the domain. For that I use Advanced System Settings and select the change option to change to domain from workgroup.

Change Workgroup to domain
Advanced System Properties

After adding to the domain and rebooting the machine, I could login to the CORP domain using the credentials for Bob Admin.

Logging in to the new Globomantics domain
Login to the CORP domain after reboot

The last step was installing the Remote Server Admin Tools (RSAT). This is a simple download and install, but it is a Windows update pack and not an executable. After install the tools are available in the start menu and the Windows 10 Admin PC is ready for our next phase: creating a File Server and WSUS Server.

RSAT tools in the Start Menu
RSAT tools in the start menu after installing

Creating a Domain: Install Active Directory in Server Core

It’s time to create the internal LAN network starting with a domain controller and Active Directory domain. I am going to install Active Directory on server core using PowerShell. I will start by cloning the template from the previous post.

Creating the Domain Controller

Prerequisite: Streamline and Simplify Installs: Create a Windows Server Template

Cloning a template saves significant time on new server creation. To clone the Windows server template, I just right click the template and select clone. I am going to create a full clone and call it AD.

Specify the name as AD and mode as full clone.
Naming the new server and selecting the mode

After running that I have to wait for the clone to finish creating. In Proxmox it has a lock symbol over the name until its done.

Lock symbol over the name showing it is still creating the server.
Proxmox is still creating the clone

After clone creation, I just start it and then I have to reset the Administrator account password. Sysprep removed all existing user accounts so I have to reset the password again.

Resetting the administrator account password on initial login.
Reset the administrator account password

Next I used SConfig to set a static IP address aligned to my network diagram, and configured the DNS server to use the Pi-hole in my DMZ. After that my server is ready for the Active Directory install.

Using SConfig to set a static IP address.
Setting a static IP address and DNS server using SConfig

Install Active Directory on Server Core

To install Active Directory on server core, I am going to use PowerShell. From PowerShell I run this command. After running I will see the progress on a bar at the top of the window.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools -Verbose
Install Active Directory on Server Core using PowerShell

After the feature installation finished, I need to install the forest for my domain. The domain name I am using is corp.globomantics.local because I am using this lab for Pluralsight courses. The command to install the forest is:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-ADDSForest -DomainName corp.globomantics.local

Once that runs I just need to set the Safe Mode Administrator Password and confirm that the server will be a domain controller after completion. After confirming, the servers creates the domain and becomes a domain controller.

Set safe mode administrator password and confirm that server is a domain controller
Confirm that the server will be a domain controller
Install-ADDSForest command running

After the install finishes the server reboots and then I need to login, check services, and configure DNS. I ran a dcdiag command to check the server and made sure it passed all the tests. Success! My domain is up and running.

Example output of dcdiag command
Check AD functionality by running dcdiag

Configure DNS for the internal domain

The next step is configuring DNS for our internal domain. The first check is making sure the DNS forwarders are set correctly to my Pi-hole in the DMZ.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-DNSServerForwarder
Output of Get-DNSServerForwarder command
Check DNS forwarders and confirm they are correct

Next I had to configure the DMZ Pi-hole to allow requests from outside of the DMZ network. While the warning says potentially dangerous, since this server is not directly connected to the Internet it meets the home setup criteria.

Change Pi-hole Interface settings to permit all origins
Permit all origins set in Pi-hole to enable queries from outside of the DMZ

Now I can confirm that DNS is resolving correctly by pinging an external host and the internal domain.

Ping results showing that DNS is resolving correctly.

The last step for DNS configuration is adding a reverse lookup zone using PowerShell. I can add the zone using the command below and check it using the Get-DNSServerZone command.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -NetworkID "" -ReplicationScope "Domain"
Example output showing Reverse lookup zone creation in PowerShell

Now that DNS is working correctly, I need to change the DHCP scope from pfsense to use the new server.

Changing pfsense DHCP to use the new server's IP address
Changing the DHCP settings in pfsense

Add Active Directory Users in Server Core

The last step I am taking is creating a new user to act as Globomantics domain administrator, Bob. I am going to create a user account and separate admin account called Bob User and Bob Admin. I can use PowerShell to create the accounts with these commands.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-ADUser -Name "Bob User" -GivenName "Bob" -Surname "User" -SamAccountName "BUser" -UserPrincipalName "Buser@corp.globomantics.local" -AccountPassword(Read-Host -AsSecureString "Input Password") -Enabled $true

PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-ADUser -Name "Bob Admin" -GivenName "Bob" -Surname "Admin" -SamAccountName "BAdmin" -UserPrincipalName "BAdmin@corp.globomantics.local" -AccountPassword(Read-Host -AsSecureString "Input Password") -Enabled $true

Adding the Bob Admin account to domain admins is another quick command.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Members BAdmin

That’s it, we have a domain, domain controller, DNS server, and domain admin. Globomantics internal network is ready for new users and computers. The first computer I am going to add is a Windows 10 machine that my user Bob Admin will use. I will install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) to enable remote administration of the servers.

Streamline and Simplify Installs: Create a Windows Server Template

Creating a base Windows Server template for my future VMs and later another for my Windows workstations allows me to conduct all the basic configuration, updates, and other typical install task once rather than with each server I create. This also allows me to clone the template which is much faster than an install from ISO. While I only have two servers planned for now, this will save time creating even the second machine, and significant time on all future servers I create.

Creating Windows Server Templates

I am using Proxmox if you haven’t been following along, but the process of creating a template to clone is similar in all Virtualization platforms with minor variations.

Creating any virtual machine template consists of four basic steps:

  1. Install the VM with all drivers, updates, and software packages
  2. Configure any other standard configurations that will apply to all servers
  3. Remove all user data, passwords, and keys – for Windows run a sysprep
  4. Convert the machine to a template

I created a virtual machine in Proxmox with the following specs:

  • Name: WinSrv2019
  • OS: mapped to ISO file on my host
  • Disk: 100GB (can be less)
  • CPU: 1 socket / 4 cores
  • Memory: 4096MB (4 GB)
  • Network: LAN / MTU 1450 (this is due to VXLAN in my lab)

After creating the VM and booting up, I get the install screen for Windows Server 2019.

Windows Server 2019 Install screen for template VM
Windows Server 2019 install screen

When selecting an operating system I am going to use Windows Server 2019 Standard Evaluation edition without the desktop experience. I will configure the servers from command prompt / PowerShell and then remotely administer from one of the Windows 10 workstations.

OS selection for Windows 2019 installer, selecting default standard without desktop experience
Selecting the desired version for install

After this step I configured my desired install drive and started the server installation.

Server 2019 installation starting
Server 2019 install in progress

After the install finished, I rebooted the server and then logged in with the Administrator account to access the command prompt.

Command prompt in Windows Server 2019 without desktop experience
Command prompt after initial login to Server 2019

To update the server, I used PowerShell to check Windows update with the command below and then reviewed the updates.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $updates = Start-WUScan
Reviewing the updates stored in the $updates variable
Review the applicable updates

To install the updates, I used the command below. You get some feedback showing the install progress as it runs.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-WUUpdates -Updates $updates
Install updates from command line progress screen
Screen showing the update install progress

Once complete I got the feedback “True” in the command prompt. I then ran the command below to check for pending reboot. In my case a reboot was required so I rebooted the server.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WUIsPendingReboot

After reboot I enabled Windows Remote Management (winrm).

PS C:\Users\Administrator> winrm quickconfig

I also set some basic options like enabling remote desktop and ensuring my servers had the correct timezone using SConfig.

Example SConfig screen run from command prompt to configure the server
Example SConfig after enabling Remote Desktop

I also made a firewall change and registry change to ensure remote desktop access is enabled.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes

PS C:\Users\Administrator> cscript C:\windows\system32\scregedit.wsf /ar 0

These were all the custom changes I wanted to make so now I just need to run a sysprep to make the server ready for use as a template.

Prepare for Template Creation

Running a Sysprep is done by running sysprep.exe and setting the options in a Window that comes up. I chose to generalize, Enter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE), and shutdown once complete.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe
Sysprep window with OOBE, Generalize, and Shutdown selected.
Selecting the options in sysprep

Once shutdown, the last step is converting to a template. In Proxmox that is a very simple process, I just right click and select “convert to template”.

Server install converted to template for cloning
Server template in Proxmox

That’s it, I am ready to clone the template into my domain controller and file server. The new servers will already have all the updates and basic configuration I want for my lab.

New Capabilities: Install Pi-hole for DNS on an LXC

I need a Domain Name System (DNS) server to control DNS queries and allow my internal and DMZ networks to access the Internet. Due to the low resource requirements, I can use Linux Containers (LXCs) rather than a full VM for these servers. I am going to install a Pi-hole for DNS on an LXC in the DMZ and on the external network. This allows the internal network to forward requests to a server within the domains control without exposing the Active Directory servers to the Internet. Using Pi-hole also allows me to configure a blacklist for certain domains. I use this on my personal network to remove ads which is Pi-hole’s main purpose.

Set up a Linux Container (LXC) for Pi-hole

Prerequisite: Creating a DMZ in pfsense to Separate Internal Servers

Since it’s the first time I am using a Linux Container (LXC) I will walk through the process to set one up in Proxmox. The first step is to get a CT Template since I don’t have one already. I will use the Ubuntu-20.04-standard tempalte.

Image of local storage on vmhost1 showing CT template screen.
Add a CT Template to local storage
Selecting ubuntu-20.04-standard as the template for DNS LXCs.
Selecting a template

Once the download is complete you can create a LXC container in Proxmox.

Example first screen of LXC configuration
Configure the basic information for the LXC
Screen showing template selection
Choose the template previously downloaded

After selecting the template I selected the system resources for the LXC. My DNS servers will have the following resources:

  • Disk: 8GB
  • CPU cores: 1
  • Memory: 512MB / Swap: 512MB
  • Network: Bridge for external / DMZ for DMZ server
  • Static IP: follows network diagram
  • DNS: use host settings for external / external DNS server IP for DMZ

Once you create the LXC the install happens automatically. Once you start it you access using root and the password set during configuration.

pi-hole login page for external DNS
LXC login page for my external DNS server

Install Pi-hole for DNS on the LXC

Like with the other VMs my first step is to update, upgrade, and install dependencies. All I need for Pi-hole is curl to run the command in Pi-hole’s install guide.

# apt update && apt upgrade -y
# apt install curl
Install curl using # apt install curl
Install curl to run the Pi-hole install command

After the update and upgrade I rebooted, then I ran the install command.

# curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
Install screen after running command
Install screen should show up after running the command

After running the system checks the Pi-hole automated installer will start.

Pi-hole automated installer screen
Pi-hole automated installer screen

From here I chose the following settings for my server:

  • Upstream servers: OpenDNS for external / External pi-hole for DMZ
  • Blocklists: Yes
  • Install Admin Web Interface: Yes
  • Web Server: Yes
  • Everything else was left default

After that I had a summary page with admin webpage login password.

Install complete summary page
Install complete summary page with web admin password

Once the server is finished installing I accessed the web interface, and then logged in to the Pi-hole dashboard.

Pi-hole dashboard after initial login
Pi-hole web admin dashboard

Firewall and DHCP changes

I am using the pfsense firewall as my DHCP server so for the DMZ interface I needed to change the DNS servers to the new Pi-hole. I am not changing the LAN interface yet because those machines will eventually use the domain controller for its DNS which will forward requests to the Pi-hole.

Pi-hole DNS changes on pfsense web interface
Changing the DHCP scope on Pi-hole

Next it’s finally time to build my internal network, starting with a domain controller. Before installing that I am going to create a Windows Server template to streamline future server installs.