To connect to the LAN interface of the pfsense firewall and use the webConfigurator I need a virtual machine on the LAN Vnet. I am going to install Ubuntu Desktop in Proxmox to act as the Linux admin workstation for my lab network. The desktop version will give me a web browser to access the firewall, and later I can add the machine to the networks Active Directory domain.
Install Ubuntu Desktop in Proxmox
Prerequisite: Installing a Network Firewall Using Pfsense in Proxmox
I covered the step by step instructions with screenshots for creating a virtual machine in Proxmox in the post linked above. From this post on I will list the settings used for each machine instead of walking through each step.
Linux Admin Workstation:
- Name: UbuntuDesktop
- Start on boot: no
- ISO image: ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
- System: defaults
- Disk size: 40GB
- CPU: 1 socket / 2 cores
- Memory: 2048MB
- Network: LANnet / MTU 1450
On boot you will see the Install screen for Ubuntu where you select the language and install Ubuntu.

I kept the default options throughout the install with the exception of selecting “minimal installation” instead of “normal installation”.

Post Install Actions
After installing Ubuntu, I needed to check my network configuration to ensure the MTU settings were correct and I had network connectivity to the firewall and to the WAN by pinging one of my hosts.

Login to the pfsense webConfigurator
Now I navigate to the pfsense webConfigurator address and login to finish setting up the pfsense software.

I set my hostname and domain to pfsense and the globomantics.local domain I will use for Pluralsight courses.

For my network I am unchecking the box to block RFC1918 private networks. My simulated WAN is using the network which falls in this range. If I left this checked I would not be able to access anything inside the network.

After finishing these steps, I checked for updates and then finished the configuration. On my network the interfaces reset to 1500 MTU and I had to manually change them back on the shell to regain access. This was covered in the previous post. You can also set the MTU in the webConfigurator on each interface.

Now my first workstation is online and the initial firewall setup is complete. I am ready to set up the DMZ and configure DNS for my Globomantics network. These topics are the next couple of posts.
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